My local public library just made a number of books available in the epub format, which allows you to download a book; it then goes away after three weeks so you can't keep it forever. Darien has been listening to "A Tale of Two Cities" and loving it, and Antonia says it is one of her favorite books, so I decided to try reading it on a loaner machine I have from work. I've read almost everything of Dickens, but never this one for some reason, even though it has one of the most well-known first paragraphs in history. After a bit of fumbling understanding how to load it, I got it working last night and read two chapters. It works fine, although I wish the contrast were higher. My biggest problem so far is automatically reaching up to flip the page when I should be pressing a button.
Real conversation on Friday night in the car on the way home:
HER: My goal for this weekend is to clean the counter off.
HIM: Oh?
HER: Yes.
HIM: I don't believe you.
HER: It's true.
HIM: I only worry that we will lose a bill in there. I found one last week.
HER: I'm going to do it tomorrow.
In HER mind "Why is it so important to have a clean counter, I'm cute, I'm fun and I love YOU"