Sunday, October 4, 2009

Week 40

I spent part of Saturday with the dust and mosquitoes in the shadows of Cox's salvage yard, looking for a door with a frosted glass pane. We saw lots of doors, and several possibilities. All in all, we thought it was a productive several hours, so we rewarded ourselves on the way home with a stop at Cafe Gutenberg. Darien order an espresso and I ordered a coffee. We decided to split a sandwich of scrambled eggs and oyster mushrooms on panini bread with a side of fries.

While we were waiting, I pulled out a book I was ready to start reading, Murder in the Marais by Cara Black. It is not the sort of thing I usually read, but Darien says I have to read the entire series because each novel is set in a different area of Paris, and we are planning on going to France next summer. I figured reading schlocky mysteries was easier than, say, actually learning to speak French, so I'm going along with the plan. I was taken aback to read in the first paragraph of the first page:

The man emerged from the shadows by her frosted paned office door.

I don't know if this is a premonition I am going to buy the door we looked at, go to France, or become involved in a murder. Maybe all three. ("Returning to my hotel room in Paris, I discovered the frosted paned door had been used as a blunt instrument, striking dead the concierage ...")

Things are definitely deteriorating, but I'm not sure I want to complain too loudly. I had a week's worth of excellent apple juice from that machine.


  1. Oh John I would so not complain if I were getting apple juice...Explain how the door was used a "blunt instrument". Was it like...say when people walk into the wall in the middle of the night or maybe it fell off the hinges and killed him?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
