Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 46

Moving from the ridiculous to the sublime, I went to another high school event this week -- girls volleyball! Now that's what I'm talking about. No more of this strutting and tooting of horns around a football field. Just intense competition, digs, kills, close net action, and tight shorts. We watched Godwin romp Deep Run in three games. But you can read about that in the sports page. What the sports page won't tell you is that one of the Godwin coaches wore red high heels. Seriously red. And before play, the Deep Run girls would get together in a tight huddle with their arms around each other for some self-inspiring smack talk about the competition. We called it the huggle. It didn't do them any good. We walked in on the first game when Godwin was down five points. It was the last time they were down. Godwin's runaway victory was probably a result of the obese parent sitting next to us who kept exhorting the officials in a deep, rafter-shaking bass voice to quit cheating for Deep Run. Whenever he bellowed, his wife studied the scoreboard with deep concentration, looking as if she didn't know who this was sitting next to her. Whatever.

The kitchen counter is almost getting boring. I'm thinking I should make next year's resolution the attic.


  1. You forgot to mention the Godwin pep club poster:

    Peace, Love & Volleyball!

    Go Eagles!

  2. I would have liked a photo of that!
